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San Elizario Ghost Tour

Investigate with Ghosts915 on this tour of deep history as art galleries come to life.... and see why the Old El Paso County Jail Museum (aka Billy the Kid jail) invites guests willing to talk to its occupants. . With history dating back to 1598 with the Onate expedition, San Eli has always met expectations for history and paranormal activity. Traditionally, our San Elizario tour is held the  First Friday of the month.  Click the link below for event dates, and time.

Meet us at the Golden Eagle Gallery, 1501 Main St, in San Elizario, Tx. , $25 a person. Call 915-274-9531 for info.


As we walk the streets of San Elizario, we are traveling on the Camino Real de Tierra Adentro, the Royal Road of Spaniards, explorers, and hunters of gold, all on a mission to chart new lands.

Tours are given by PDNPS President Bonnie Juarez and Ghosts915 - Paso Del Norte Paranormal Society who were featured in Ghost Adventures Route 666 episode.

Ghosts915 is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization which provides fundraising opportunities that benefit our community.



Click here for San Elizario Ghost Tour Tickets

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